The survey results: 2,000 women share their experience with intimate dryness

Newsflash: we’re a nation of dry vulvas and we’ve got the figures to prove it. If you suffer with intimate dryness, you’re in good company.

Every day at NAYDAYA, we get messages from women who suffer with intimate dryness and are at a loss about how to manage their symptoms. Intimate health issues can be daunting. There’s such a pervasive social narrative that moisture is related to a healthy libido and sexual prowess, but that’s just not the case. 

Our results show that the large majority of us actually experience intimate dryness at some point in our lives, and it’s high time we started talking about it.

The survey

We conducted a survey of 2,000 of women at different stages of life and asked them to tell us more about their vulvas. Here’s what we found out:

  • 82% of women have suffered with intimate dryness at some point in their lives
  • 66% of women wouldn’t feel comfortable talking about it with friends

Of those who have experienced intimate dryness,

  • 52% have never sought medical advice
  • 41% felt embarrassed about the condition
  • 66% said it impacted their sexual relationships
  • 43% said it impacted their self-confidence

Our analysis

The survey results show us what we already suspected, that intimate dryness is common, but it’s still associated with shame and taboo. 

Our mission

We’re on a mission to #EndTheDrySpell in awareness, and put an end to the taboo about intimate dryness. We’re here to bring the matter of moisture to the mainstream, and increase its visibility on the women’s health agenda.

We believe that no woman should ever feel isolated, or that there isn’t a really simple solution to this common problem. You can check out more about our campaign efforts here.

Intimate dryness and NAYDAYA

“Intimate dryness is something I’ve experienced personally at different stages of my life. First, when I had just given birth to my children, and now again as I’m entering the perimenopause years. 

When I tried to get help with intimate dryness as a new mum, I definitely felt like the issue was taboo. None of my friends were talking about it, even though I know lots of us were probably going through the same thing. When I spoke to the pharmacist about it, I was pointed towards dusty old bottles that looked like they’d been sitting on the shelves since the 80s. They contained a tonne of chemicals, and I didn’t want to put them anywhere near my intimate skin.

As a lover of skincare and beauty, I felt let down by the beauty industry as a new mum. Where were all the innovative skincare ingredients and the gorgeous packaging that I’d enjoyed up to this point?

It was then I decided to launch NAYDAYA, to give women like me the solutions they so desperately needed and deserved.”

Fiona Toomey, NAYDAYA Founder

Ending the stigma

Skincare is just one piece of the puzzle. Our attitudes towards women’s bodies won’t change until these issues become part of the mainstream conversation about women’s health. 41% of women feel embarrassed about intimate dryness, and this number is too high for our liking. Why should we feel embarrassed about something that’s a natural part of evolving through womanhood?

Please support us in our mission by sharing our #EndTheDrySpell campaign on social media, and starting a conversation. 

Useful links:

Shop Intimate Dryness Solutions

NAYDAYA #EndTheDrySpell Campaign

#EndTheDrySpell Podcast